Equine Massage Therapy

Massage therapy and bodywork can assist in rehab for injured and sore horses. It helps support horses in intensive training or exercise programs. It is a wonderful supplement to a horses overall care.

Equine massage helps to relieve soreness in the body, provides relaxation, assists in heeling, promotes good blood circulation, works hand-in-hand with the nervous system, improves energy, revives the musculoskeletal system, and helps a horse stay sound and active. Just to name a few of the benefits!

Along with an appropriate training program, equine massage therapy creates the ultimate wellness plan for your horse!


Heart to Horse also offers Equi-tape (equine kinesiology taping) services. Equi-Tape is specifically designed for horses. It is an extra tool used to help horses stay sound, recover from injury, relax, increase muscle flexibility and function, and so much more. Equi-Tape increases oxygen supply, reduces fatigue, pain, swelling, and inflammation, aids in toxin removal, supports muscles, ligaments, joints, and tendons. It is a therapy method for injured or painful horses, as well as, a training method for the equine athlete.

Contact for more info regarding these services.